VSEC Platform.

VSEC offers independent and highly integratabtle solutions ranging from a virtual training garage & competency management solutions, to building and running automated component testing, to managing and testing work products related to ISO 21434. With free, paid, and customizable solutions, we have you covered!

Each block in VSEC is designed to both solve a specific pain point in the journey to cyber-safe systems in automotive and to allow interoperability with other blocks. Overall, VSEC is a hub where all product security-related activities can be performed and tracked to create a complete vehicle security engineering suite. The modules below should give a general idea of each block, but the true power lies in customization and the interaction between other blocks and our services.

A competency management portal where your company can ensure the staff are getting up-to-date training, and be able to provide the documentation (in the form of reports) to prove it to auditors. The VSEC Learn admin portal can display training statistics and let admins add/remove people from courses applicable to their roles.

A platform to house and share component, system and vehicle designs. For example, a vehicle manufacturer could have objects at each level with parent/children relationships. Then they can attach all requirements related to a specific vehicle to the vehicle, and choose if those requirements get propagated down to all components.

An online “garage” providing access to any number of real connected vehicles, vehicle simulations, or any connected vehicle system, be it a test bench or single component. The connected interfaces can be accessed through Garage to perform testing, remote diagnosis, research and more.

A cybersecurity test management framework which allows users to create and manage testing-related work products specified by the ISO 21434. Furthermore, VSEC Test can be set up to manage automated/deployment test runs against connected targets such as Garage benches.

A set of automated vehicle tests that checks whether mitigations are implemented against common threats. This is aimed to cover UNR155 Threats and Mitigations to provide a baseline test suite for Type Approval Authorities.

Currently Breakwater V1 covers CAN, OBD II, and network stack-based interfaces such as Automotive Ethernet, WiFi, and Cellular.

We plan to expand coverage to Bluetooth, USB, V2X, GPS, and many more in-car communication interfaces.

Maintaining a risk repository from different workflows in ISO/SAE 21434

ISO/SAE 21434 risk workflows from ISO/SAE 21434 concept, product development, and post development phases

A dashboard providing visibility into your real time security posture.

As VSEC Test validates that your system meets the intended requirements with automated tests, the results are visible live from the dashboard.

As VSEC Risk Manager processes TARAs, the risk scores should also be tracked on the dashboard.

Results can be broken down by component, system or vehicle to understand how your systems meet requirements at every level.