Although frameworks like ISO/SAE 21434 provide standardized activities to manage cybersecurity risks, no two organizations will have the same resources or risk thresholds. Watch the video above to see our approach to CSMS compliance and how it’s different than any other company out there.

With over a decade of experience, we specialize in both consulting and hands-on cybersecurity services tailored to your specific cybersecurity engineering needs. From cybersecurity monitoring to TARA to penetration testing and beyond, our solutions fit any budget and maturity level.

Whether starting fresh or enhancing existing capabilities, our services ensure customized solutions to meet your needs. Count on our expertise to achieve your cybersecurity goals confidently. 

Contact us for details or explore our free resources below!

Looking for simplified ISO 21434 templates, complete with a video series and user guide?

Free Automotive Cybersecurity Resources

Check our YouTube channel for free CSMS training, hands-on car hacking, and CTF walkthroughs.

Look at our blog for expert advice and insights into all things automotive cybersecurity.

Take a free course in the Vehicle Security Engineering Cloud (VSEC).

for vehicle platforms.
for ECU platforms.
for module platforms.

VSEC provides the tools necessary to automate key workflows in ISO/SAE 21434 including design, testing, and monitoring. 

Explore how VSEC enhances your automotive cybersecurity approach and ensures your products meet industry challenges.

Our Services.

Comprehensive Automotive Cybersecurity Solutions

Partner with us to navigate the complexities of ISO/SAE 21434 and UN R155 requirements, produce robust work products, and fortify the cybersecurity resilience of your vehicles and components